Mary Grigolia’s Song List

Alphabetical List: by Title, where you can find them, available arrangements

Ah, Yes! Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   A song/round in story and dance: alienation ends in encounter, encounter opens to gratitude, gratitude opens the heart to a wider world. A capella. Small group, retreat, workshop, congregation.

Allison’s Lullaby, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf    Grieving, growing. “Sing to me in my heart, I remember the part that you sang for me.” Piano. Solo, small group, choir.

Ancestors Chants, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   A chant affirming who we are, who we can be, together on life’s journey. A cappella, with percussion. Small groups, congregation.

Are You Ready to Sing? Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; mp3; melody, SATB, piano, pdf    Learning and growing from difficult situations. Zipper-song.  A cappella, percussion, piano. Small groups (all ages), choir, congregation.

Around, Inside: Spirit Song 2013 songbook; reflection, melody, piano, pdf Meditative chant, using water (vast sea), fire (sun of spacious mind), earth (beat of the loving heart) and air (dream of the gracious one). Call and response-friendly.  A cappella, percussion, piano. Individual, small group, choir, congregation.

Be Still and Know, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   3-part round, meditative chant for the spacious stillness of God within us all. A cappella, percussion, piano; call and response. Individual, small group, congregation.

Becoming, as sheet music, melody, piano, pdf   meditative song affirming on-going transformation for ourselves, each other and Spirit in us. A cappella, piano. Individual, small group, congregation.  

Begin with Love, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   Meditative song, with themes of forgiveness, starting anew, opening to love. Call and response. A cappella, guitar, piano, percussion. Small group, choir, congregation.

Beyond Chaos, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf  Song about change. What enables us to face change, to see a new pattern? Who guides your steps? Guitar, piano. Solo or small group.

The Bird Doth Fly, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Voices from the Path (songbook and recording); mp3; melody, pdf  3-part round about the hard work and liberation of growth, transition and transformation. A capella. Small group, choir, congregation.

A Black Bird Strokes Across the Sky, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf    Meditative song poem. Being one with nature, where everything mirrors who we are becoming. Call and response. A cappella, guitar, piano, percussion, flute. Solo, small group or congregation.

Blessed Are We, the Audacious Ones, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; SATB, pdf    An upbeat benediction for those doing the work of justice. Translated from the Spanish, from a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Los Angeles. Call and response. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Choir, congregation.

Blessed Is She, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody with piano, pdf Feminist setting of an ancient Jewish prayer honoring the nameless One in her many forms. Piano. Choir or solo.

Blessing, Commitment to a Vision, 1, 2, songbooks; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf    Earth-centered blessing for wedding, ordination, installation of a new minister, child-dedications, new building, or new home. A cappella, with piano or guitar. Solo, choir, small group, congregation.

Breath, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook, Spirit Song songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf    Native American blessing: “I add my breath to your breath that our days may be long on this earth, that the days of our people may be long.” A cappella with percussion. Small group, choir, congregation.

The Breath of All, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; SATB, pdf    A song to greet the day, calling us to the unity of outer world and inner awareness. A cappella, guitar, piano. Small group, choir, congregation.

Breathing Here in You, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, piano, pdf  Song celebrating inter-being – with one another, with all who went before: “We are the strength of the hands reaching out to hold you, we are the yearning for love in your soul. We are the voice of the wind, from the void where all begins. We are the future and the past, breathing here in you.” Piano, guitar. Small group, choir, congregation.

By the Streams of Babylon, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf  New melody for words adapted from Psalms 137 and 2. Call and response. A cappella, piano, guitar. Solo, small group, congregation.

Call Me Back, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf    Meditative song calling us back to the body, to the heart, to life. Call and response. A cappella, piano. Small group, choir, congregation.

Circle of Thanks, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, pdf:   What are you thankful for, in this very moment? Use as a circle dance. Zipper song for all ages. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Small group, congregation.

Come, Carry Me, Night (aka I Carry the Night), Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody pdf.   3-part round, celebrating the nurturing darkness within, between and around us. Small group, choir, congregation.

Coming Back to Life, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf    For times of transition, being between the worlds, moving from gestation to the birth of a new phase. Zipper song. A cappella, guitar. Small group, congregation.

Commitment to a Vision, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; SATB  pdf.  Feminist vision affirming the gifts of every woman and man. Piano. Small group, choir, congregation.

Create a Vision, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody pdf.   Personal and shared vision as sources of healing in community. Guitar, piano or a cappella. Solo, small group, congregation.

The Dance of Change, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf    Inspired by Marge Piercy. “We do not seek to stop the wheel of change, but to dance in its turning.” Call and response. A cappella or bluesy piano or guitar. Individual, small group, choir, congregation.

The Dark, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; Voices from the Path (songbook and recording); Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, SATB, piano, pdf; mp3; Voices from the Path CD   Recasts darkness as catalyst of healing and transformation. Strong chorus. Call and response. A cappella, guitar, piano. Solo, small group, congregation, choir.

Darkness Visible, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   2- or 4-part round, opening to the healing darkness on the spiritual journey. A capella, percussion, piano, guitar. Small group, congregation.

Dear Friend, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, piano pdf   Challenges and joys of friendship. Strong chorus. Guitar, piano, a cappella. Solo, small group, choir (children, adult or mixed).

Dearest One, Spirit Song 2013, songbook; melody, piano, pdf   A love song to God, the Beloved in all Her/His/Our forms: “Dearest One, Deepest One, Hidden One, Everywhere!” A cappella, piano. Individual, small group, choir, congregation.

Democracy, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf   Poem by Langston Hughes, affirming democracy’s need for freedom for all. Piano, a capella, percussion. Solo, choir.

Earth Meets Sky, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   Meditative 3-part round, opening to our oneness with Nature as witness. A cappella, percussion. Solo, small group, congregation.

Easter (aka, Out of the Darkness and into the Light), Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, piano pdf    Three young voices – a plant, bird, baby – sing of new life, renewal in the environment, in ourselves. “Out of the darkness and into the light, my life is ready to unfurl. My dreams will hold me as I grow.” Call and response. Guitar, piano. Solo, choir (adult or children), congregation.

Enjoying the Day, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf:   An invitation to be present with joy right here, in all life’s ambiguities and changes. Call and response. A cappella, piano, percussion. Individual, small group, congregation.

Evening Lullaby, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, pdf   Song for transitions, knowing when to hold on and when to let go. Piano. Solo, group.

Every Bone and Muscle, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook;  Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf.   2-part round, for healing our relationship to our body and embracing a healthy body image. A capella, percussion, piano. For small group, congregation, choir.

Everyday Best, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   4-part round, words from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Write on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.” A cappella, piano. Small groups, congregations.

Everything, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   3-part round for those who feel overwhelming responsibility. “None of us has to know everything. We may not see the pattern. We are called to attune our hearts, inner grace, the answer.” A cappella, piano, percussion. Small group, congregation.

Field of the Heart, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   A song (and/or dance) of our interconnections: “In the field of the heart we are home.” Call and response. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Small group, choir, congregation.

Flow, Wisdom, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; SATB, pdf   Words from Mark Belletini. Congregational hymn celebrating the wisdom of the living tradition of Unitarian Universalism. Piano. Choir, congregation.

Fly Away, Orioles, , Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; mp3; Grigolian Chants recording; melody, piano, pdf    4-part round. What’s behind the anger, sadness, belief, judgment? What are you ready to get rid of? Sing layer by layer, until we give voice to what needs singing. A cappella, piano, percussion. For all ages. Small group, choir (children, mixed, adult), congregation.

Following the Sound, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf   Meditation on inner awareness, the sound of the still, small voice. Group. Guitar, piano. Small group, choir, congregation.

For All Who Seek God (aka May God Go With You), Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody and piano, pdf   Words from Robert Mabry Doss, closing music for services, convocations, group meetings. Piano. Small group, choir, congregation.

For Lo, the Winter Is Past, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody, pdf   From Song of Songs, a love song celebrating spring. Guitar, piano. Solo, choir, small group, congregation.

Gentle Tree Friend, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   Learning from Nature to be present – to grow roots, to bend, to open the heart. Works well as call and response. A cappella, piano. For all ages, small group, congregation.

Gift of Song, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   Meditation song, affirming our gifts to each other, to God/life, to our community. Works well as call and response. Makes a great circle dance! A cappella, guitar, piano. Small group, choir, congregation.

Gifts, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano pdf   A song-poem composed with my friend, Shirley Borstelmann, lifting up friendship and the tenacious, fragile beauty between us and all around. “These are gifts I offer you, my friend; beautiful, the friendship you offer me. Beautiful are you to me.” A cappella, guitar, piano. Solo, choir, small group.

Give It Up, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   A song of intention, not to be hijacked and defined by negative habits, judgments, thoughts. A cappella, guitar, piano. Individual, small group, congregation.

Good Morning, Flowing Stream, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   For morning meditation, recognizing yourself in nature, reflecting your deepest wisest self back to you. Please adapt the lyrics for your situation. Call and response. A cappella, percussion. Individual, small group, congregation.

The Grace of Her, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; melody, SAA, SAM, Piano pdf; mp3  Honoring the feminine divine, in us and all around us. Call and response. A cappella, guitar, piano, flute, strings. Duet, choir, small group, congregation.

The Great I AM, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   Zipper song, acknowledging, declaring your unique gifts, as an expression of the great I AM, the nameless, evolving One. What words would you insert? Call and response works well. A cappella, piano, guitar. Solo, small group, congregation.

Grief, Light, Peace, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, SATB, piano, pdf   Song for a dark night of the soul. Bluesy and powerful. There is deep grief in me. Deep peace, grief, and light in me.” Call and response. A cappella, percussion, piano. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Guest House, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Rumi set to a round: everything arising is an opportunity to learn and love.“This being human is a guest house; every moment, a new arrival. Meet them at the door, invite them in, laughing, grateful. Each has been sent as a guide from beyond.” Call and response works well. All ages. A cappella, percussion, guitar. Small group, choir, congregation.

Guide Me, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   3-part round; works well as call and response; a song prayer to the Deep One within us all and all around us for guidance. A cappella, percussion, piano. Solo, choir, small group.

Heal, My Little One, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   4-part round, for healing self, other, world. A cappella. Individual, small group, choir, congregation.

Heart of Love, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, pdf: 3-part round celebrating Love as who we are: “Come from the heart of love, and live in the heart of love; return to the heart of love in harmony!” A cappella, piano, percussion, guitar. Small group, choir, congregation.

Heart Sutra, Spirit Song 2013; melody, piano, pdf   3-part round; setting of an ancient Buddhist chant, celebrating enlightenment, recited at memorial services; combining the Pali with the English. A cappella, percussion. Small group, choir, congregation.

Hearth, Commitment to a Vision, 3; melody, pdf   Meditative song affirming the home we make in the heart, our true home. Call and response works well.  A cappello, piano, guitar. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Heaven Is Under Our Feet, Commitment to a Vision, 3; Grigolian Rounds  3-part round, words by Ralph Waldo Emerson. A cappella, percussion. Small group, choir, congregation.

Help Me Find My Way, Commitment to a Vision, 3; Voices from the Path (songbook and recording); mp3; melody, SATB, piano, pdf   Who are we to each other on the path? When I may not trust myself, help me find my way. Complements Buddha’s, “Be Lamps Onto Yourselves.” Zipper song. A cappella, piano, percussion. For solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Here I am, Commitment to a Vision, 4; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   From the ancient Hebrew teaching to respond to the inner voice, to God, by saying, “Here I am,” hineni! What are you saying to that voice today? Call and response works well. A cappella, piano, percussion. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Her Story, Commitment to a Vision, 1; melody pdf   “Remember their names,” a song to commemorate women, with verses for the women martyred in El Salvador; Adapt to honor the women in your lives. Guitar or piano. Solo, ensemble, small group, congregation.

Honey from the Rock, Commitment to a Vision, 2; Spirit Song; Voices from the Path (songbook and recording); mp3; melody, SATB, piano, pdf   Words from Psalm 81, affirmation from the deep Self, evolving with us; even in our deepest suffering, we find the sweetness of awareness, healing, transformation, love. Call and response. A capella, piano, guitar. Congregation, choir, small group.

How Can I Know? Commitment to a Vision, 1; melody pdf   Cry for help, response from the Heart: for guidance, connection, healing, meaning. Guitar, piano. Solo, duet, small group, congregation.

Humu Humu Nuku Nuku, Commitment to a Vision, 4; melody, pdf   A song celebrating special creatures – like the Hawaiian fish, humu humu nuku nuku apuaha. Create your own verses to celebrate nonhuman friends. For children of all ages. Call and response works well. A cappella, guitar, ukulele, percussion.

The Hunger of the Heart, Commitment to a Vision, 2; Grigolian Rounds  4-part round using words from Howard Thurman, “The hunger of the heart is not discerning.” A cappella.

Hush, Wait, Listen! Commitment to a Vision, 4; Grigolian Rounds, Spirit Song; melody, pdf   3-part meditation round, calling us to the song of the breathing. A cappella, piano, guitar. Individual, small group, congregation.

Hymn to Gaia, Commitment to a Vision, 1; melody pdf   Song to Gaia, the Earth goddess who dances the world alive. “Again she calls to us as many times before.” Guitar, piano. Solo, small group, congregation.

I Am A Flute: Commitment to a Vision, 4, Compilation; Spirit Song 2013; melody, pdf   Meditative song, “I am a flute, I am open. I am a flute, I am empty. I am empty and ready for the music of the wind, I am willing and open for the music of the wind.” What form is life taking, playing through you? Call and response. A cappella, flute, piano. Individual, small group, congregation.

I Am Ready, Commitment to a Vision, 4; Spirit Song; melody, pdf   Meditative song affirming our intention to open. To what are you opening? Call and response. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Individual, group, congregation.

I Am Strength, Commitment to a Vision, 4; Spirit Song; melody, pdf   Meditative song affirming our strengths. What strengths do you name and sing? Call and response. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Individual, small group, choir, congregation.

I Find You, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; SATB, pdf   Meditative conversation with Mystery, God, the Deep One. Where do you find your Beloved? Piano, strings, woodwinds. Solo, small group, congregation.

I Know This Rose, Commitment to a Vision, 1; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf    4-part round affirming wholeness in time of fear, transition and transformation. A capella, piano, guitar. Solo, small group, congregation.

I Open to the Earth, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   Song (and dance) opening to the power and wisdom, loving and healing of the earth. Call and response works well. A cappella, guitar, percussion. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

I’m A-Gonna Learn, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook;  Grigolian Rounds songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, piano pdf.   2-part round, growing through hard times. Call and response. A capella, piano, percussion. ASL. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

In the Deep, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook;  Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody pdf.   3-part round celebrating the inner voice, the wise one who lives within. A capella. Small group, congregation, choir.

In This Refulgent Summer, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, pdf Words from Emerson’s Harvard Divinity School Address (1838), celebrating the sacred in Nature. Set for women’s voices and piano.

Isaiah 55 (aka Come to the Water), Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf   Celebrating the covenant of community, which makes it possible for us to live together in safety and in peace. Call and response works well. Guitar, piano, percussion. Solo or congregation.

It’s All Right to Be a Woman, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf   Sounds like a country song, affirming the need for women to find our voices. Guitar, piano. Solo. small group.

I Will Listen, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   Listening – to each other, to the deep self, to God. How might you rewrite the words? Call and response works well. A cappella. Solo, small groups, congregations.

The Journey, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody with piano, pdf  Written for a friend volunteering with Witness for Peace, repatriating Central American refugees. “What is the purpose of your journey? To learn compassion, to bear fair witness, and to affirm a human conscience that works for freedom and justice in every land.” Piano, guitar. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Keeping Your Vow, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Thanking our bodies for keeping their vow so we may live and give, grow and know, love as God is love, sing as Life would sing. Zipper-song. Bluesy, upbeat. A cappella, piano, percussion. Solo, small group, congregation.

Kindle a Light, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   A chant (and dance) inspired by the closing words of Carl Jung’s autobiography: “As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” Works well with candle-lighting at winter solstice. A cappella, piano, guitar. Small group, congregation.

Learn to Fly, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; mp3; melody, SATB, piano, pdf   Affirming transformation; “When we come to the edge of all the light we have and we step into the darkness, the unknown, we will find something solid we can stand upon or we believe we will surely learn to fly” (attribution unknown). A capella, piano. Solo, choir, small group, congregation.

Let It Shine Through, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   For times of waiting, of not knowing, not-yet (Advent, Lent, winter). Life dreaming in the darkness, through all faith traditions. “There’s light within you; let it shine through!” Guitar, piano. Individual, small group, congregation.

Lightning Chant, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   2-part round/chant inspired from a Navajo creation story: “I follow the scent of falling rain and head for the place where it’s darkest. I follow the lightning and draw near to the place where it strikes.” How does creation call you? A cappella, guitar, piano, percussion.  Hands-free. Solo, small group, congregation.

Love Is Like a Phoenix, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody pdf  Power of choice and transformation in relationship: to accept our differences and go to a deeper level of trust. (Or not.) “Love is like a phoenix, rising in our ashes, rising in the promise hidden in our eyes.” Guitar. Solo or small group.

Love Opens, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf: Upbeat song, chant, dance affirming love: “Love opens up our bodies and love opens up our spirits and love opens up our hearts, we’re seeds of love. We’ll celebrate the love that births the seed, we’ll comfort one another when we grieve, we’ll greet each day together with the need to share this love.” Call and response. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Loving Kindness Song, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   From the Buddhist metta meditation: “May you be at peace and may you be at ease. May you be filled with compassion and filled with joy, may I be filled with compassion and filled with joy.” Hands free. A cappella, guitar, piano. Solo, small groups, congregation.

Luminous Darkness, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf   To the words of Howard Thurman, “Luminous darkness burning through his liquid words. My heart would be a swinging door. All the children say, Amen!” A cappella, piano, percussion. Small group.

Made from This Earth, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   Words from Susan Griffin, Woman and Nature: “I know I am made from this earth, as my mother’s hands were made from this earth, as her dreams came from this earth. And all that I know, I know from this earth.” A cappella, piano. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Many Waters, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   4-part round affirming our relationship to one another as healing, flowing together. A cappella. Small group, congregation.

The Martyr Moves On, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody pdf   Releasing anti-feminist assumptions about women. “I’m so tired of that old martyr story.” Guitar, honky-tonk piano. Solo, ensemble, small group, congregation.

May We Heal, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   Breaking the silence about domestic violence and affirming our healing: “All that we feel will help us to heal, sharing what’s real, may we heal, may we heal.” Guitar, piano. Small group, congregation.

Melt This Pain Away, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   2- part round for individual and shared healing. Good for walking meditation. What would you melt away with the warmth of your compassion and awareness? A cappella, percussion. Solo, small group.

Metta, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   A setting of the Buddhist Loving Kindness meditation. A cappella, piano. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Midwife, Mother, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, pdf   Honoring the different roles of women. For women’s gatherings, worship services, small group settings. Piano, guitar. Choir, congregation.

Moon Mirror, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook;  Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody pdf   2-part round to the full moon, affirming wholeness of body, mind, heart and spirit. A cappella or with piano and percussion. Small group, choir, congregation.

Morning Choices, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   Morning meditation song. What do you choose today? What’s your heart’s intention? Sing it into every cell; allow it to fill your heart, your mind, your energy field. A cappella, percussion. Solo, small group.

Mother Spirits, Talk to Me, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   Song to the Mother Spirits and Father Spirits, “teach my heart to be strong, guide my feet, show me where I belong.” What needs and challenges would you name? Piano, guitar. Solo, small group, congregation.

The Next Step, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, pdf   Words from Bernice Johnson Regon (of Sweet Honey): “When we find ourselves stumbling, stumbling, it means we have to take the next step.” Hands free. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Small group, choir, congregation.

Ocean to Ocean, Commitment to a Vision, 1 songbook; melody, pdf   Guided meditation set to music, discovering the inner guide. Guitar, piano, percussion. Solo or small ensemble.

On Behalf of the Beautiful Heart, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Celebrating the intention of walking, breathing, living, singing (serving, cooking, writing, laughing) on behalf of the beautiful Heart. Zipper song. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Solo, small group, congregation.

On Seeing the Coast of Africa, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf    Howard Thurman imagines his ancestors surviving the slave ships: “In the darkness did you hear the silent feet of your children, beating a melody of freedom in words you had never known.” Piano, percussion. Solo, choir, small group.

On Your Path, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   For rites of passage (graduation, new job, retirement) for individuals or groups. “We share the vision of your path. We wish you courage on your path. May there be singing on your path.” Call and response works well. A cappella, percussion, guitar. Small group, congregation.

Open, Open, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   All we need is all around us; we need to open our eyes, minds, hearts, and lives. Call and response works well. A cappella, piano, percussion. Solo, small group, congregation.

Open Up My Heart, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   Prayer to the open heart, affirmation of our interconnection, inter-being. Zipper song. Adapt to your natural settings. A cappella, piano, guitar. Solo, small group, congregation.

Open Your Heart to the Song of the Planet, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody, piano pdf   A plea to listen to the voice of the Earth singing through us. Guitar, piano. Solo, ensemble, small group, choir, congregation.

Openings, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf    2-part round without words. A cappella, piano, guitar. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Ordination Gloria, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; SATB, pdf   Words from Mark Belletini. Celebration of ordination into ministry. Piano. Congregation, choir.

Out of the Darkness, (aka Easter, see above); Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, piano, pdf

Part of It All, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf   Celebration of interconnection, inter-being. A cappella, piano, guitar. Small group.

The Path, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook;  Grigolian Rounds songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, piano pdf    2- or 4-part round on the importance of friendship and trust on the spiritual journey, into the unknown. A cappella or with piano. Solo, small group, all ages, congregation.

Paths of Life, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody pdf   Friendship, discovering your calling. Guitar, piano. Solo, small group, congregation.

People, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf    2-part round for rites of passage of a group. Setting of traditional words: “We are an old people, we are a new people, we are the same people different from before.” A cappella, percussion. Small group, congregation.

Possibility, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   Morning song. What possibilities greet you today, right now? “I open and receive the world with gratitude and joy.” A cappella, piano. Solo, small group.

The Potter’s Wheel, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; melody, SATB, piano, pdf; mp3  We are the clay, the bowl, the dream, the tears, the hands. Call and response. “Dreaming, molding, guiding, holding, loving letting go.” Guitar, piano, percussion. Small group, choir, congregation.

The Power Dance, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   Chant, round, dance to reclaim our power: “Break the silence, share the story, dream the vision, claim the power.” Hands free. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Small group, congregation.

Praise the Dark, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   3-part round, grieving that which is lost to violence, affirming life. Words from Mark Belletini. A cappella, guitar, piano. Solo, small group, congregation.

Psalm 143 (aka Show Me the Road), Commitment to a Vision,1, songbook; mp3; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; melody, SATB, piano, pdf   Prayer for inner guidance. “Show me the road that I must travel for you to relieve my heart.” Guitar, piano. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Red, Red Earth, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   2-part round, declaring, “All around me, I’m rooted in the red, red earth.” Where are you rooted? A cappella, percussion, flute. Solo, small group.

A Red-Tail Hawk, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, piano, pdf   4-part round, “A red-tail hawk is flying high in the sky, and part of me flies there with her.” Where in nature do you see yourself? A cappella, percussion. Solo, small group, congregation.

Return to You, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   Meditative song for being present to difficult feelings, turning to the inner witness, the heart of compassion: “I turn to you, return to you.” A cappella, guitar. Small group, congregation.

Rise Up and Call Her Name, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   Chant and circle dance celebrating the goddess in all her manifestations. A capella, piano, percussion. Small group, congregation.

The Road Ahead, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Keeping faith with life in times of transition. Piano. Solo, small ensemble.

Roll Away the Stone, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, pdf   Inspired by Easter words from Sarah Moores Campbell. What have we walled up within ourselves, like a tomb? From the tomb of my grief (rage, spite, blame, despair), I’ll roll away the stone and be free in the love of the world. Zipper song. A cappella, piano. Congregational song.

A Sacred Place, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   For children of all ages, “What do you feel when you’re standing in a sacred place?” Piano, percussion. Small groups, congregation.

Safe Harbor, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   Healing happens in safe harbors – within ourselves, in community, in relationships with each other and with Life/God. A cappella, piano, guitar. Small group, congregation.

Safe Passage, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; mp3; melody, SATB, piano, pdf   Gospel-sounding song to honor our many life passages: for memorial services, graduations, end of conferences and retreats. Hands free. A cappella, piano. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Show Me the Road (aka Psalm 143, see above), Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; mp3; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; melody, SATB, piano, pdf

Sing and Rejoice, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   2-part round for celebrating community. A capella, percussion, guitar.  Small group, congregation.

Singing in the Soul, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Zipper song asking “What’s that song singing in your soul?” How would you answer right now? A song of doubt, hope, grief, fear, change, peace, love. “Keep on a-singing in my soul.” Even the hard songs need to be heard, sung, felt. A cappella, piano, guitar. Solo, small group, congregation.

Snow, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   2-part round about the snow, about waiting, about listening to the inner voices of wisdom. A cappella. Small group.

Song of These Hills, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Finding oneself, God, Presence in nature. Two counter melodies as harmony. A cappella, guitar, piano. Duet, small group (all ages), congregation.

Speak and Listen, Commitment to a Vision, 1, 2, songbooks; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; mp3; melody, SATB, piano, pdf   A song for healing and deep listening between women and men, “- this rage we feel is real.” Men’s verse (CV, 2) by Joel Miller. Guitar, piano, a cappella. (Choral arrangement available by Ellen Hansen Ellis.) Small group, choir, congregation.

Strength Returns, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   A song of healing, “I feel, oh yes I feel, I feel my strength returning.” Zipper song. What do you call to yourself? What is returning as you heal? Piano, guitar, percussion. Solo, small group, congregation.

Strong Is What We Make Each Other, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; mp3; melody, SATB, piano, pdf   Refrain inspired by Marge Piercy. “Love and justice intertwining.” Call and response. A cappella, piano. Small group, congregation.

Sun, Earth, Lake, Sky, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Celebrating our oneness with nature, reflecting in the world all round us: “The sun, the earth, the lake, the sky, I am part of everything. I burn, I birth, I flow, I fly. I am part of everything.” Piano. Small group, congregation.

Tat Sat – This Is It! Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; melody, pdf   Healing the body, mind and spirit. What needs healing in your relationship with your body? A cappella, guitar. Solo, small group.

Thank You, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   Meditate song. What are you thankful for right now? …And now? “With my heart and hands I thank you, thank for this day.” A cappella, piano, guitar. All ages. Small group, choir, congregation.

This Cup, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Singing three movements of spiritual life: over-filling, emptying out, opening to the flow. Call and response. A cappella, piano, guitar. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

This Spiral Keeps on Turning, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   4-part round. The journey is home; we need each other on the journey. A capella, percussion. Small group, congregation.

The Underground Stream, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf   Call and response: “Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you. We are here in the waters beyond the well, here in the underground stream.” A capella, guitar, piano. Small group, congregation.

The Urge for Freedom, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf   Zipper song, gospel-style affirmation of freedom and justice. A capella, piano, percussion. Small group, congregation.

Voices from the Path, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; mp3; melody, piano, pdf   2- or 4-part round affirming the spiritual journey: “Voices from the path are calling me, calling me.” “Allies on the way, be here with me, here with me.” “Music from the heart is singing me, singing me.” A capella, percussion. Small group, choir, congregation.

Voices of the One, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Deep beneath the busyness, the rushing, the unresolved anger and grief, the judgment and projection, come the healing voices of the One. Call and response works well. A cappella, piano, guitar, percussion. Small group, congregation.

Walk Humbly with Your God, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody, pdf  What does God /Life / Love ask of us? From Micah 6:8. Chant. For closing a worship circle and action of social witness. Hands free. A capella, piano, guitar. Small group, congregation.

Walk with Me, available as sheet music; melody, piano, pdf   From the Women’s March (1/21/17), “You give me courage, may I walk with you?” A capella, piano.  Individual, small group, congregation.

We Are Here, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   2-part round, affirming a vocal, dreaming community. A capella, percussion. Small group, congregation.

We Choose to Be Side by Side, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf   Celebrating intentional spiritual community, built on trust and covenant. Piano, guitar. Small group, choir, congregation.

We Have a Beautiful Mother, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, pdf   Inspired by Alice Walker about Mother Earth. Call and response. A cappella, percussion. Small group, congregation.

We Have Grown, Love, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf    Healing into trust and love. Chorus: “We have grown, love; we have healed, healed enough to trust again,… to love again.” Guitar, piano. Solo, ensemble, small group, congregation.

We Have the Love, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; mp3; melody, piano, pdf   Inspired by Rev. Dan Aldridge. What do we need to build caring, justice-based communities? We have the will, we have the skill, we have the love. Piano, guitar, percussion. Small group, convocation, action of social witness,  congregation.

We Hold This Love, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   2-part round. Lyrics  from Cassandra Sagan. Written for a wedding; suitable for convocation, reunion. A cappella, percussion. Small group, choir, congregation, gathered guests.

We’ve Come to Our Own Conclusions, Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; Spirit Song songbook; Grigolian Chants recording; mp3; melody, pdf   Affirming our differences and our choice to walk together. A cappella, piano, guitar. Small group, public witness, congregation.

We’ve Got It in Our Two Hands, Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody, pdf   Pro-choice feminist affirmation. “It didn’t come easy, we need every voice.” A capella, guitar, piano. Solo, small group, congregation.

We Walk Together, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; Spirit Song songbook; melody, pdf    2-part round.  Those we love are always in our hearts; neither death, divorce, nor distance separates those who love. A cappella. Groups, congregations.

Web of the Infinite, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Setting of a poem by Sheridan Bushnell: “In the web of the infinite tree of life lie the encoded steps, markers in which soul knowledge rests, awaiting the sweet caress: tender longing.” Hands free. A cappella, strings. Small group, congregation.

Welcome (aka All Are Welcome in This House of Praise), Commitment to a Vision, 2, songbook; melody, pdf   Use as gathering music or opening song. Guitar, percussion, klezmer band. Small group, choir, congregation.

The Well, Spirit Song 2013 songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Zipper song for times of loss, “Bring your sorrow to the well. Let its living water soothe you. Healing waters bring you safely through, living waters that dissolve all fear.” What do you bring to the well? Guitar, piano. Small group, congregation.

What Do I Want from You? Commitment to a Vision, 1, songbook; melody, pdf  Love song about the courage to face the truth about ourselves in relationship. Guitar, piano. Solo, ensemble, choir, small group.

What Gift Would I Give You, Son? Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, piano, pdf   How do we support our children through life’s most difficult challenges and transitions? Piano or guitar. Solo.

The Wheel of Change, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf    The challenge to accept impermanence – the wheel of change – and dance in its turnings. Thank you, Marge Piercy, and Buddha! A cappella, percussion. Solo, small group, congregation.

Where Do We Go from Here? Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, pdf  Inspired by words from May Sarton. How do we care for ourselves as social activists and care-givers? We ground ourselves in love, “an old word made new.” Piano. Solo, small group, choir, assembly, congregation.

Who Will Rise Up? Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, pdf   Words from Psalm 94: “Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will rise up when my voice cannot be heard?” For social justice services. A cappella, percussion. Solo, small group, choir, congregation.

Wildness and Wet, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Grigolian Rounds songbook; melody, pdf   2-part round. Words from Gerald Manley Hopkins: “Oh, let them be left, wildness and wet. Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.” A cappella. Small group, choir, congregation.

Wisdom’s Call, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, piano, pdf   From Proverbs 8; for ordinations, graduations, rites of passage, services honoring the call of Wisdom, the inner voice. Solo, duet, choir, congregation.

Wonderful Love, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; Voices from the Path songbook and recording; mp3; melody, SATB, piano, pdf   Words inspired by Thomas Moore. Love guides our heart’s transformation. Piano and flute. Choir, congregation.

The Work of Christmas, Commitment to a Vision, 3, songbook; melody, piano, pdf   Setting of words by Howard Thurman: “When the song of the angel is stilled, when the star is gone from the sky, when the kings and the princes are gone and the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins.” Piano. Small group, choir, congregation.

The World Has Gifts, Commitment to a Vision, 4, songook; Spirit Song songbook; Songs for Growing Souls songbook; melody, piano, pdf    “The world has gifts for you (me). The world needs gifts from you (me). I am open, I am grateful.” A cappella, percussion, guitar, flute. For all ages. Solo, small group, congregation.

Song List by Songbooks:

Commitment to a Vision, Volume 1


Come, Carry Me, Night (aka I Carry the Night)

Commitment to a Vision

Create a Vision

The Dark

Dear Friend

Easter (aka Out of the Darkness)

Every Bone and Muscle

For Lo, the Winter Is Past

The Grace of Her

Her Story

How Can I Know?

Hymn to Gaia

I Know This Rose

I’m A-Gonna Learn

In the Deep

The Journey

Love Is Like a Phoenix

The Martyr Moves On

Moon Mirror

Ocean to Ocean

Open Your Heart to the Song of the Planet

The Path

Paths of Life

The Potter’s Wheel

Psalm 143 (aka Show Me the Road)

Song of These Hills

Speak and Listen

Voices from the Path

Walk Humbly with Your God

We’ve Got It in Our Two Hands

We Have Grown, Love

What Do I Want from You?

Commitment to a Vision, Volume 2

Allison’s Lullaby

The Bird Doth Fly

Blessed Are We, the Audacious Ones

Blessed Is She



By the Streams of Babylon

The Darkness Visible


Flow, Wisdom

Fly Away, Orioles

Following the Sound

Heal, My Little One

Honey from the Rock

The Hunger of the Heart

Luminous Darkness

Isaiah 55 (aka Come to the Water)

It’s All Right to Be a Woman

Learn to Fly

Made from This Earth

May We Heal

On Seeing the Coast of Africa


Open Up, My Heart

Ordination Gloria

Part of It All



Rise Up and Call Her Name

Sing and Rejoice


Speak and Listen

This Spiral Keeps on Turning

The Underground Stream

Urge for Freedom

We Are Here

We Choose to Be Side by Side

We Hold This Love

Welcome (aka All Are Welcome)

We’ve Come to Our Own Conclusions

Commitment to a Vision, Volume 3

Are You Ready to Sing?

Call Me Back

Circle of Thanks

Gift of Song

Evening Lullaby


Heaven Is Under Our Feet

In This Refulgent Summer

Help Me Find My Way

Loving Kindness Song

May God Go with You

Midwife, Mother

The Next Step

The Power Dance

Return to You

The Road Ahead

Roll Away the Stone

Safe Harbor

Safe Passage

Strong Is What We Make Each Other

Thank You!

We Have a Beautiful Mother

We Have the Love

What Gift Would I Give You, Son?

Where Do We Go from Here?

Who Will Rise Up?

Wildness and Wet

Wisdom’s Call

Wonderful Love

The Work of Christmas

Commitment to a Vision, Volume 4

Ah, Yes!

Ancestors Chant

Begin with Love

Beyond Chaos

A Black Bird Strokes

Breathing Here in You

The Breath of All

Coming Back to Life

The Dance of Change

Earth Meets Sky

Enjoying the Day

Everyday Best

Gentle Tree Friend

Give It Up

Good Morning, Flowing Stream

Here I Am

The Great I AM

Humu Humu Nuku Nuku

Hush, Wait, Listen!

I Am a Flute

I Am Ready

I Am Strength

I Find You

I Open to the Earth

I Will Listen

Love Opens

Many Waters

Melt This Pain Away

Morning Choices

Mother Spirits, Talk to Me

On Your Path


Red, Red Earth

Red-Tail Hawk

A Sacred Place

Strength Returns

Tat Sat – This Is It!

We Walk Together

The Wheel of Change

The World Has Gifts

Grigolian Rounds (drawn from Commitment to a Vision, Volumes 1-4)

Ah, Yes!

The Bird Doth Fly

Come Carry Me Night

Darkness Visible

Earth Meets Sky

Every Bone and Muscle

Everyday Best

Fly Away, Orioles

Heal, My Little One

Heaven Is Under Our Feet

The Hunger of the Heart

Hush, Wait, Listen!

I Know This Rose

In the Deep

Many Waters

Melt This Pain Away

Moon Mirror

Morning Choices


The Path


The Power Dance

Praise the Dark

Red, Red Earth

A Red-Tail Hawk

Sing and Rejoice


This Spiral Keeps on Turning

Voices from the Path

We Are Here

We Hold This Love

We Walk Together

The Wheel of Change

Wildness and Wet

Spirit Song (drawn from Commitment to a Vision, Volumes 1-4)

All songs presented in melody format



The Breath of All

Call Me Back

The Dance of Change

The Dark

Gift of Song

Good Morning, Flowing Stream

Here I Am

Honey from the Rock

Hush, Wait, Listen!

I Am Ready

I Am Strength

I Find You

I Open to the Earth

Learn to Fly

Love Opens

Loving Kindness Song

Made from This Earth

May We Heal

Open Up My Heart

The Potter’s Wheel

Return to You

Safe Harbor

Safe Passage

Thank You

The Underground Stream

We Have Grown, Love

We’ve Come to Our Own Conclusions

We Walk Together

The World Has Gifts

Voices from the Path

All songs presented in lead line format, SATB, and lead line with piano

Are You Ready to Sing?

The Dark

The Grace of Her

Help Me Find My Way

Honey from the Rock

Learn to Fly

The Potter’s Wheel

Safe Passage

Show Me the Road

Speak and Listen

Strong Is What We Make Each Other

Voices from the Path

We Have the Love

Wonderful Love

Songs for Growing Souls (Kids)

All songs presented in lead line format and lead line with piano

Circle of Thanks

Come, Carry Me, Night

The Dark

Dear Friend

Fly Away, Orioles

I’m A-Gonna Learn

Out of the Darkness

The Path

Red-Tail Hawk

Sing and Rejoice

Song of the Planet

Song of These Hills

The World Has Gifts

Spirit Song 2013:

All songs presented with a reflection, lead line format, lead line with piano

Around, Inside

Be Still and Know

Dearest One


Field of the Heart


Grief, Light, Peace

Guest House

Guide Me

Heart of Love

Heart Sutra

I Am A Flute

Keeping Your Vow

Kindle a Light

Let It Shine Through

Lightning Chant


On Behalf of the Beautiful Heart

Open, Open

Singing in the Soul

Sun, Earth, Lake, Sky

This Cup

Voices of the One

Web of the Infinite

The Well