Dark Night and Beyond

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From Transition to Transformation

Going through a shift in how you see yourself and God, Life or Meaning? Ready to make sense of a religious or mystical experience? Need to integrate the loss of a dream?

Readings from Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, Gerald May, Thomas Moore, John Tarant, Carl Jung, Carolyn Myss and others. Sessions will include guided meditation and reflection from our lives.

What is the Dark Night?

For most of us, the spiritual path goes through what Dante referred to as a “dark wood.” And St. John of the Cross called, “the dark night of the soul.” Carl Jung said, “To be enlightened does not mean imagining beings of light, but rather making the darkness conscious.”

The dark night is an essential part of a shift in consciousness, the growth of consciousness, like going from 110 to 220 volts.

After the dark night comes the radiance and peace of dawn.

Dark Night Classes

Click here to view Dark Night class times, dates, and locations.